Angular articles

Using the BEM methodology in Angular

Tagged in Angular
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Written by Ritchie Jacobs

In this article we’ll look into a solution to implement the BEM methodology into an Angular application. BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) is a CSS naming methodology that attempts to speed up and simplify web development by dividing the user interface into separate...

Creating a custom form component in Angular

Tagged in Angular
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Written by Ritchie Jacobs

One of the most common elements when building an Angular application are form fields. Your users need to provide his data to use all the functionalities of your app. These fields will be used on multiple pages, modals, footers, …...

Implementing Prettier in an Angular CLI app

Tagged in Angular
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Written by Ritchie Jacobs

Keeping a consisent code style is not an easy task when working with a large team. Each developer has his own preferences and styling habits. It often leads to long discussions and a lot of time wasted in code reviews....